Couponing Secrets That Will Make You Save $100 Weekly

Perhaps you know someone who’s posted a picture of her couponing haul on social media — an entire table covered in pyramids of toilet paper, a dozen bottles of spaghetti sauce and shampoo, boxes of soap and snacks. And along with it all, the exclamation that all of the above was scored for less than $40. Or something like that.

So how do these couponers do it? Is it possible to save up to $100 a week on groceries and toiletries without devoting the equivalent of a full-time job to it?

After seeing a few social media posts along these lines, we decided to investigate. We talked to two expert couponers willing to share their couponing tips and tricks. Tara Rausch of Flemington, New Jersey, is my cousin and saves a minimum of $100 per week and $5,200 per year shopping with coupons. Julie Stanfill of Omaha, Nebraska, saves between $300 and $400 per week by couponing. The most she’s saved at one time is $800 in a single trip. Both Rausch and Stanfill have saved 100 percent on multiple trips.

Neither woman devotes a ton of time to their hobby. Rausch, a busy mom and grandma, spends 4 to 5 hours a week couponing, while Stanfill, a working mom of four kids, says she rarely spends more than an hour each week organizing and searching for coupons. Find out more!

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