Tips from Experts About Dating After a Divorce

Dating after divorce can be a minefield for the midlife woman. Perhaps even thornier than pondering what to wear on a date, where to go, who pays – not to mention how you even find people to date in this brave new world of Internet match-ups – is getting over your reluctance to take a stab at it. Why is it so hard?

“A divorced woman may feel very vulnerable at this stage, in part because she used to have a spouse to ‘protect’ her and now she has to go out into the world on her own,” says Diana Kirschner, PhD, author of Sealing the Deal: The Love Mentor’s Guide to Lasting Love. But it’s also tough, she adds, because once you’re on the dating scene you can feel like a teenager again, in that shaky, unconfident, not-sure-if-he’ll-call sort of way.

So how can you make post-divorce dating – whether you’re looking for a good time or a good (relationship-minded) man – less daunting? Read on for tips that will help you get back in Cupid’s good graces.

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