Top 6 Safety Tips Every Senior Should Know

Nearly 90 percent of seniors say they want to stay in their home. Doing so gives them a wonderful sense of continued independence. But having mom or dad live alone can be a source of worry for their adult children. The, “What if?” scenarios can often overwhelm the mind. “What if she falls down?” “What if he forgets something on the stove?” “What if she doesn’t tell me it’s getting harder for her to get around?”

If you feel like this, you’re not alone. In 2017 the AARP surveyed boomer women and found that two-thirds are concerned about their parents’ ability to live independently. Try to save yourself from these questions and live independently by learning everything important about your safety and how you can truly live your life without being a concern every time.

Doing everything necessary to create a safer environment for their relative is of greater importance than before. Although no living environment can be made 100% injury-proof, there are many preventive measures that can be implemented to help keep seniors safe. However, the demands of senior safety – coupled with other factors and variables – force many loved ones to confront the possibility of having to place their relative in an assisted living environment for their own benefit.

1. Home safety to minimize the risk of falling

Bathtubs and showers pose dangers to people of every age. Slipping, tripping, and falling are very real risks of bathing and showering. But no one is as much at risk as the elderly— and not only because they are necessarily more likely to fall. For older adults, recovering from a fall can be difficult and sometimes impossible.

According to the National Council on Aging, one in four Americans over 65 falls each year. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury among older adults, and the most frequent reason for non-fatal trauma as well. Luckily, there are alternatives to traditional tubs, including handicapped-accessible showers and walk-in bathtubs.

Click Here To Learn More About Walk-in Tubs


2. Fitness A Key to Avoiding Falls

Staying physically active and exercising regularly can help prevent or delay some diseases and disabilities as people grow older. Older people have much to gain from staying active. Furthermore, Exercise is the most widely studied single falls prevention intervention and is one of the most important actions seniors can take for their health. Recent findings show that exercise can reduce falls risk by 22-46%.

Older adults at risk of falling should have exercise routines that are specifically designed to maintain or improve balance, strength, and endurance. It is recommended that seniors exercise at least three days a week for best results. To stay healthy or to improve health, older adults need to do two types of physical activity each week: aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening exercises.

Click Here To Learn More About Exercises for Seniors


3. Alarm Systems for Senior Safety

A home must provide an individual with utmost comfort and state of well-being. The importance of security and safety grows manifold as one age. For seniors, a home is a like a palace filled with beautiful memories of past. It serves as a site of interaction for the family. Ensuring safety of the seniors is one of the most important concerns for a family.

The foundation of any home safety plan is a good Home Security System. They are great as prevention from thieves, but an amazing support for medical emergencies and fires, too. If you live alone and/or plan on spending a period of your retirement traveling, then a home security system is a must.

Click Here To Learn More About Home Security Systems


4. Senior Id theft protection

Did you know that right now, 2.6 million seniors are victims of identity theft each year? That number is on the rise, too. Your parents may not be as computer savvy as you are (though there are plenty of active seniors with their own mobile devices emailing their grand kids to say hi!), so offering to help them keep tabs on their finances and credit information online can be a big help. You can even have alerts set up that can notify you of changes, helping to make the process more seamless for you both. Products like Identity IQ can be strong options, offering comprehensive identity monitoring.

Click Here To Learn More About Identity Theft Protection


5. Medical Alert System

Medic alert systems are one of the most popular methods of monitoring senior safety at home and ensuring that a senior is not left alone in the event of some kind of health crisis or accident which may have occurred. These systems are generally monitored by emergency medical technicians or certified operators, who understand medical conditions, and are prepared to initiate a fast response so that a crisis can be averted.

Usually a medic alert system will include a feature which allows for two-way communication, so the situation can be explained and understood, and some have a broad range of effectiveness which covers both the home and the yard, for cases where an event happens outside.

Typically, medic alert systems are used in situations when a senior spends large periods of time alone, and the devices act as a proxy for human care, which might not always be available for the senior. In other circumstances, that human care can be provided by either a loved one whom the senior resides with, by a professional live-in medical professional, or by a non-medical caretaker.

Click Here To Learn More About Medical Alert Systems


6. Senior Driving Safety

Driving is one of the most sensitive of senior issues. For older adults, giving up their licenses is a threat to independence. For their families, it’s about safety. Driving is a privilege that shouldn’t be taken for granted at any age. Older adults can be just as safe on the roadways as when they were younger, but adjustments are sometimes needed to account for age-related physical and cognitive changes. Loss of hearing and visual acuity, chronic diseases and medications can all impact their ability to drive safely. Good driving is more about skill than it is about age.

Click Here To Learn More About Auto Insurance for American Drivers


It is the prime responsibility of the young family members to ensure the safety and security of the seniors. In this regard, the use of various safety gadgets is an excellent method for assuring the same. Besides, the seniors need to be well aware of the various safety tips related to the use of various home equipment. A simple looking object may possess possible threats to the seniors.

Thus, the family members must ensure that the seniors are well aware of the use and safety guidelines of each and every home object. One should always remember that the highest safety and security measures for the seniors can be assured by taking their most coveted comforts necessities into prime considerations.



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