Try to Never Keep These Things at Your Desk

  • Your desk should be organized in a way that maximizes productivity and your ability to perform tasks efficiently at work.
  • A cluttered, messy desk can negatively impact your ability to perform your job.
  • Here are nine things you should never keep at your desk.


Organization comes naturally to some, but for others, it’s just not in their nature. Maybe you’re too busy to clean up, or perhaps organized chaos works well for you.

Regardless, a messy desk can negatively impact productivity and your ability to perform tasks efficiently at work, according to a study published in The Harvard Business Review.

Additionally, some of the items you keep on your desk may not be appropriate for the workplace, such as political items or documents with sensitive information.

Whether your place of work is cubicle, corner office, or open layout, here are nine things you should never keep at your desk!

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